Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The UNICEF Balochistan Staff...On field!

By Jawahir Habib

Children at a Camp waiting for food
More than 600,000 IDPs have flown from Sindh province to Balochistan after the floods and torrential rains that have affected more than 20 million people in Pakistan. UNICEF has focused its relief efforts on provision of clean water and sanitation in the affected districts, along with immunization, provision of essential drugs and nutritional supplies. Apart from that UNICEF is also focusing on child protection activities and is providing education through temporary learning centres in the camps.

UNICEF Staff Distributing Food
UNICEF Balochistan staff members raised Rupees two hundred thousand and contributed at a personal level in field relief efforts along with their daily professional responsibilities they have been performing during this time of crisis. UNICEF staff members with their provided 107 Dry Ration Packets which included flour, Sugar, Tea, Oil, Daal (grains) and High Energy Biscuits to over a hundred families in IDP Camp established by Government of Balochistan on Sariyab road Quetta. These families had been recently displaced from Jafferabad and neighbouring districts of Sindh.

Temporary shelter arrangement in the Scorching Sun